I've had a subscription to ChatGPT since basically Day 1. On one hand I love it, it's really clever, on the other hand.....wow, it can be crap at times.
For me, it's become a secondary form of Google search most of the time - it's pretty good for pointing you towards things that you dont' even know where to start.
On the other hand, it loves a good hallucination and will send you down an utter rabbit hole if you let it. Most of my job is doing "weird" stuff - i.e., developing things that aren't well defined or well solved on the internet, so I have to be really really careful trusting GPT.
I once spent hours trying to get something working that it signposted me towards, only to find out that fundamentally you can't do what it was saying.
It's very very limited, and it terrifies me that people don't understand that
EDITED: 21 Jan 09:51 by PILOTDAN