(There's a story to that screenshot. That's UnReal World, which is a roguelike (which has been in constant development since 1991) set in iron-age pseudo-scandinavia. It's basically a hunter-gatherer sim with low magic (very low, to the point where you're never sure it's actually *doing* anything, you just feel it's probably better not to piss the gods off).
I was playing Owl Tribe for the first time and they're very small people who're not capable of carrying everything needed to survive (literally, miss one hunt in winter and you're dead). So I'd need a reindeer to carry my stuff, which I'd have to trade for at a local settlement, and reindeer are *expensive*.
I got lucky early-on and encountered a sleeping bear which I managed to kill before it did me any serious damage. I skinned it, butchered it, roasted its fat to keep me going and hung all the meat up to dry and then got to work tanning the *very valuable* pelt. Tanning and curing is a very long process and I wanted to take my time to ensure the hide was high quality. My bear fat kept me going for a long time but then I needed to hunt while the bear meat finished drying. I also made sure to hang the bear skull on a tree and do the proper ritual to thank the spirits for my good luck.
Many weeks later, when tanning and curing were done, I had a nice quality bear pelt to take to a nearby village and trade for my very first reindeer. I was so excited. It was slow progress cos I could barely carry the bear pelt alone and I was loaded up with everything I wanted to trade. I got there eventually, made my trade, and even had enough to get a nice axe and some smoked meat too.
I took my reindeer back to camp, so fucking proud of myself. And decided to start on my next project - a kota (like a yurt) so I could properly begin my new reindeer-based nomadic life. I'd need to pop back to town for a few things which I should've got the first time but forgot in my excitement. No big deal. I'd heard wolves on my way there so decided to leave my reindeer at camp. I knew to tether it to a tree so it wouldn't wander off, in a place with plenty of grazing. I'm not an *idiot*.
Set off back for town, it'd be a quick trip now I was travelling light, super excited to start my new nomadic life. Aaaand got back to camp to find
I was genuinely fucking heartbroken.)
EDITED: 25 Aug 2024 15:09 by X3N0PH0N