It is very odd. I know that various different captures and overlays, mainly from webcams are going on, in order to present participants alongside the shared screen, but I still can't think what happened. If a fly, even a tiny one got onto a camera lens, I'd expect it to a) appear huge and b) be on the feed/overlay of whoever's camera it was.
An insect *inside* your monitor does actually seem plausible...
Found out what it was. Feel a bit daft.
Elderly lady writer who was using her daughter's laptop. Daughter has animated cursor. A little fly.
Them thunderbugs get into everything.
Hahaha. To be fair, I don't think I would've guessed that in a million years.
That sounds very early Internet days
Much like those signatures that were so popular once. You know, where people demanded at least half a screen of blinking, flashing animated gifs.
And the era of flash signatures! Some of the oens here were mad, I think Xen had some with games embedded
I had a little game of blackjack with an owl dealer that remembered your score and stuff. Flash was great for whipping up little toys in a semi-visual way, never found owt to replace it.
I loved Sulkpot's sig. It was just the letters of his name in rainbow colours but it swooshed in a very pleasing way when you rolled over it, always satisfying.