My face hair needs shaving multiple times a week to stay presentable/whatever, and I've been thinking I should switch from rotary to linear shaver, since the former never seems very effective - even after cleaning and charging, I have to keep going over the same spots, and frequently use the trimmer bit instead. I have vaguely wondered about laser removal, but the idea of firing lasers at my face bothers me, even if it's theoretically safe.
My head hair is still there, though there's probably less than there used to be. Some bits are going grey but that doesn't bother me.
My eyebrows do bother me - there's a variety of short, medium, and excessively long ones - and they've recently descided they like to either do handstands or curl down into my eyelashes. Not been sure whether to pluck or trim them since I don't want to end up with not having any at all.
My nose and ear hairs are only occasionally annoying, and they're usually easy enough to pluck out.
I remember the name Jaowon but not the reputation... searching reveals msg:5318.31 and/or msg:9206.6 ?
I just looked at laser removal and Wikipedia says it can sometimes become permanent after multiple sessions, whilst NHS says it needs redoing every 4 weeks, as well as wearing SPF30 in all weather, and a bunch of potential side effects. Meh.