I've worked out a couple of things to try. Complicating this is an .htaccess redirect from 80-443 (http-https).
I've set up a noip.com dynamic dns domain pointing at the WAN iP (I suspect this will wind up in the same bad place though)
I can NFS export the server's /var/www/html and point a virtualhost on another server and so see the WAN-facing *content* which is the main thing (always nice to confirm if it can be hit from the actual domain though)
A third option to consider is monkeying with another .htaccess rule to override the redirect for LAN requests but I dunno
A fourth option is to rejig the managed switch for DHCP, port forward the modem to that, and port forward the server from it.
Not liking any but worth a try, maybe.
Someone helpfully pointed out that these modems are 'internet for idiots,' which serve the market very well so why would they change that? (our old ISPs modem has no such issues, but it's more business oriented; Bell is late to the party)
EDITED: 2 Feb 2022 16:05 by DSMITHHFX