Since this is a thread about pc woes real and imagined, let me regale you with the saga of my home music/webdev server ...
Last week during a warm spell (!) our building's heat was jacked up to 11, probably because some bottom floor tenants' complaints. Ambient temps in our apartment hit 30C and stayed there.
Coincidentally the server started falling over. First I thought drive fail (as predicted by S.M.A.R.T.) and swapped in another spare drive, a 500G, 7200 rpm mofo. This in a SFF office pc.
Which did not help, cpu temp was still spiking >50C, and the case was hot enough to make a raw egg feel warmish. When I later mounted the removed drive with an sata-->usb cable, that fucker could deffo fry eggs into greasy carbon in <10-minutes.
It was like sticking a propane-fired space heater inside a shoebox.
Warming to the task (so to speak), I opened up the case and blew out the dust, pulling the hsf and blowing that out for good measure. The hsf did not have dust bunnies, it had dust bricks resembling crumbly blocks of felt.
This sort of helped, it still kept falling over but over longer intervals.
I bought an ssd, not any ssd but a "WD Green," low power ssd (primarily because it supports SATA-1 which are the limits of 2005 technology).
Now we're getting somewhere, but still falling over.
Opened the case again, pried out the pci slot covers and swapped in a 'new' case fan I'd had leftover from my Athlon 7 build, and opened our windows wide.
As a side story, I attempted to use fsarchiver to duplicate the os install from hdd but this was an utter fail in a virtualbox test, and proposed fixes ludicrously overly complicated and under documented, so I went straight to clean install of newer OS version (20.04 LTS) on the ssd.
Gotta say the ssd has given the ancien box new life, and it's stopped falling over. Can't wait for summer.
EDITED: 5 Mar 2021 15:20 by DSMITHHFX