I don't disagree with a lot of what you said there. But let me ask this: Why is it OK for thousands to protest and commit violence in the streets in the name of Black Lives - who, incidentally, have never condemned black on black murder - and what happened at the Capitol?
Now, the idiots who stormed the Capitol clearly hadn't thought things out well; what did they hope to accomplish? It made no sense, n matter who did it. But did it make sense for rioters to destroy nearly every business on 8th street and Chestnut streets in Philadelphia?
Some have taken a stab at ameliorating the worst of it, always thwarted by the billionaire class that controls politicians and media alike
You've actually said quite a lot there. Ever notice American politicians who vehemently profess, gesturing and pointing wildly, that they "will fight for you"? Really? I submit that all they do is fight for their own continued self-enrichment, and the continuation of their political status.
America is barreling towards a second civil war
Is it that surprising, really? When you have so many politicians telling them that if they vote for them, they will get "free stuff", what would you expect? That's what democracy brings: when the people discover that they can vote largesse for themselves through the public treasury, they will always vote for the candidate who promises them the most. The end result is loose fiscal policy and a bankrupt nation (rough paraphrase of Alexander Tytler/Lord Woodhouselee). The end result is Socialism, then Communism.
a handful of agitators caught red-handed changes nothing.
It didn't matter in the riots across America, either. Those crimes happened and were allowed to continue by the Governors and Mayors whose responsibility it was to maintain the peace, yet they abandoned that responsibility, letting criminals riot to their hearts content.
Who do common folks call when the police are defunded? Social workers? What a joke.
In the end, it doesn't matter. I challenge anyone to find the word "democracy" in the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, or the Bill of Rights. It's not there, because the Founding Father knew that democracies always fail.