OK thanks guys. I liked the Id product Rage well enough and will probably replay it on my 'new' (2-yo) system at some point because the ending crashed my old one... I really liked the original Wolfenstein 3D game, though too crude by today's standards to bother with a replay. Still jonesing for some nazi zombie action though.
And for my consolation prize I got Ghost Recon Future Soldier from Humble for $Can.7 (tax in). I used to play GRAWF2 as obsessively (mainly for the awesome user-made maps, the base campaign is meh) as I now play FC-n, and always meant to reinstall, however I couldn't get it to run on my last XP, so I figure I'd give this slightly newer version a go instead -- the cut scenes look kinda ropey but what the hey.
After hemming and hawing about this for lo these many months, I finally bit the zombie-splattering bullet and bought the thing on sale yet again @ $Can.12.
EDITED: 5 Aug 2020 14:34 by DSMITHHFX
Hookay, TOB is on board (though described as an 'expansion', happily did not require TNO preinstall), had a quick look at the opening cut scenes, will get started on the wet work later.
I played about ~20 minutes into TOB, which took me straight into a pitched gunfight vs. a hive of borg-nazis (I lost).
Stylistically it's got a retro vibe that recalls both RtCW and SoF, as well as Rage. I can't say I find it objectionable so much as a bit jarring, considering it was released in 2015.
The game is shaping up to have enough awesomeness to paper over the meh sloggy bits, namely the robocop-borg-nazi prison guards. Seriously spooky ruined, nazi-infested castle (also rats).
Let us know how it compares to the New Order. Even though TNO is set after TOB but released before it, I wonder if there are any extra innovations or UI differences that will make it feel any clunkier for you.
It started out very clunky but improved. The zombie/horror aspect is not so thrilling in the NPCs as it is in the environment, I have yet to set an eye on a recognizable zombie, they're mostly bog-standard nazis in full battle regalia and face masks, but with blue lights on their chests, which does make 'em easier to spot. Still there's a ways to go so maybe things will get more interesting. The mechanical monsters are, if anything, less interesting.
9-hours of gameplay in, I finally hit da zombies. One cool thing is the zombie-nazis attack normal nazis, the uncool thing is the normal nazis then are then turned into zombie nazis. :-/
10-hours (total), a boring boss fight, bada bing, bada boom it's done. Now it feels like an expansion pack. Oh well, worth the price of admission, if only just.