It's a bit of a Garland failing, that: he's clever, but he thinks he's a bit cleverer than he is. Ex Machina got on my wick a bit for that reason.
The books do look interesting. I might give them a go (if the 100 or so I'm waiting to read don't object).
Oh, he's the Ex Machina feller, is he? Makes sense. Full of meaningful stares and glances but far from certain whether they were actually full of any meaning. Always a bit suspicious of directors who have ladies without their vests on staring at their bodies in mirrors (c.f. Under the Skin).
Under the Skin is an awesome movie (alleged by Kenny to have been filmed in/near Stirling).
Yeah, I liked it the first time I saw it, but now I'm not so sure. It does have some amazing bits (nj).
Watched this again, updated TWR: Hippies spike military base water supply with LSD, mayhem follows.