The Greeks and their bloody democracy have got a lot to answer for.
> so the immigration card can't be played to the same effect as it was first time round.
Slaves something something
Aye, maybe so. Fucking hope not, though. Otherwise, what's the point of the kicking against the pricks we've done?
Sometimes the only point is that frustration and rage need an outlet, though perhaps it can also serve as a lesson in what doesn't work.
Breakshit hitting the fan...
Is teh
- watching with bated breath?
- watching with baited bear trap?
- tuning it out?
Massive defeat. Vote of no confidence tomorrow.
Pretty much according to script. :-&
In, out, shake it all about brexit?
Quite possible that we're going to sleepwalk right into a No Deal brexit. She'll survive the confidence vote tomorrow (Tories aren't going to vote against her and risk getting Corbyn, DUP have initially signalled they'll support her), EU aren't going to shift on the offer that's on the table so we're basically fucked on that front.
The only reasonable way out of this that I can see is May calling a second referendum. Everyone (well, a decent majority at least) agrees that No Deal is not a viable option, so perhaps a referendum on May's Deal or Remain? Really don't know where the fuck this is going to end.