I cannot stand that app. I moved back to Hangouts with the cool kids... well, Ben's there so we aren't all cool!
Got snow?
Thanks all! Been meaning to come around more! I have been trying to ignore the politic things going on.
Hiya PB!
Matt, I've been working on it for a few weeks and I have it working somewhat. Learning as I go so it's interesting! I'm sure my code isn't up to standards but I want to get it all working first and then make it pretty.
I'm pretty sure that's what Chrisss did. haha, he was helping me a lot on Hangouts.
Haha. "Powered by Wordpress"
I'm no fan of Wordpress, but I have no issues with software projects picking an off-the-shelf CMS rather than waste time better spent on the project itself in building a site from scratch.
Wordpress is my kryptonite. X-O
Any special reason (apart from its huge number of bugs and amazingly poor integration with partner projects and plugins)?
Not needed in ~90% of use cases. Clients too dumb to use it without routinely screwing it up, so better off with plain vanilla HTML5, and get edits done faster, better, cheaper by maintenance contract.