I did a wrong. :C
Somehow I've lost all sound. Instead of arseing about trying to put the config right, I'm going to wipe the SD card and start again and put what I know works in, make a backup (!) and then troubleshoot it.
Do you know how to make a backup image of an SD?
Very useful to have at least a basic configured image to go back to if you do a wrong.
I did exactly that to quickly recover from a botched xfce install using fsarchiver. Dunno if that works on an sd card, I've never backed one up.
Aye, I'm gonna get a base setup and make an image - don't really know why I didn't do it the first time round. :C
The method I use is a bit crude but works surprisingly well.
I use "dd" to clone the SD card location (something like /dev/mmblock0) to a network location.
Works on a running system which is nice. You can even run the command through gzip to compress the free space and shrink the storage required for the image. Slows the process down though. Requires a same or larger size SD to restore.
Ah. I was going to suggest the "dd" method but didn't know if it worked on sd cards.
The good old fear of getting if and of the wrong way round
Sounds like a really good project. I look forward to seeing the results of it all.
Here's a preview: