Placed the order after giving MrsD. a heads up. By waiting a day I saved another 5-bucks on the GPU! Now I've got to figure out a case (there are a couple of candidates home), and a Windows. Looks like I'm going to have a busy Easter.
Something to do with spectre/meltdown?
I've wondered that too. It's totally useless. If you've got a suitable CPU you're probably not looking to upgrade.
Thought that might be an Onion article for a second.
Yep, that was part of the article too, get some parts off a friend and flash it that way - I didn't read it properly though, and hadn't realised you needed a different CPU to get it done. That's a bit of an arse then. :C
Also, where can I get that part pucker game? It sounds most appealing.
The AMD page says you can also RMA the motherboard.
Apparently they send the 'flashing' cpu without needing a credit card. Wonder how many of those they'll be seeing back...
Speaking of which wait for the impending collapse of the bitmining economy...
Think just more to do with incompetence.