For me, the most confusing aspect of the situation is that if the guy's real goal was to kill a lot of people, he would have used an entirely different gun type and setup. This is fairly common knowledge among even slightly experienced gun owners and he was not a beginner nor financially limited in his decisions.
We don't have a window into this guy's mind and who knows what he was thinking, but I think it unlikely he'd have had a head count clocking up as he was spraying bullets. Given he was unencumbered by financial burdens, wouldn't the easiest way to execute this atrocity be to buy a missile laden jet and carpet bomb the stadium? Or are jets not covered by the 2nd amendment? From his point of view, at least he would have been able to get away. Perhaps he derived some perverse pleasure from being there first hand. :( I wonder how come it's guns that have become embedded in the subconscious as the armament of choice? Presumably, it's the portability and concealment properties that people like, and the bigger firearms have become more prevalent on the back of smaller arms becoming commonplace - essentially it's a penis measuring contest. Now, if penises had been the weapon of choice way back when, imagine the how the world would be today... I suspect Throb may well be the commander of the universe by now.