I read a pro-2nd Amendment article I am trying to find again, it said you're 3 times more likely to die in a massacre in Norway than the US (0.3 per 100,000 in US vs. 1.38 per 100,000 in Norway). Of course, it's the tens of thousands of non-mass-shootings which makes America so dangerous to be in (unless you believe
this). I find
this to be a sobering source of gun crime stats.
Breivik really messed up the argument for those who are anti-gun.
I agree that Sandy Hook was the inflection point and the NRA responded by saying it was a liberal hoax to take their guns. So that's that. I kinda wish some of the pictures of the aftermath would leak out to bring home the reality of the atrocity (but then as a parent I really, really don't want to risk seeing that).
I've tried to envisage what it would look like to revoke the 2nd Amendment. How would all those guns out there in the US get taken away? I expect there'd be a lot of police dead after gun-owners defend their 'rightful' property from seizure.
The milder option is to simply bulk up checks on new gun purchases. I really don't see why there is any resistance to this. It feels like you get a gun as the surprise in boxes of breakfast cereal.
With the Vegas shooter having a
family history of psychopathy and crime, there should be no way he got hold of guns, let alone 40+ of them. Which militia was he a member of?
Ugh, it all just seems to unfixable while the NRA lobby is so powerful.