So, basically. Get a cheapo NAT based VPS from here -
Apparently they've got a Black Friday deal on for 15% off! (code - 15OFFNAT)
As mentioned, I went for the £4.50/year London option.
I installed ubuntu 14.04 lts x64 since it's nice and easy. I imagine the Debian options will be fine too.
I initially followed the instructions here - - but it didn't work in the end, but it did teach me about most of the settings, which was nice.
I then followed these instructions, which is basically just an automated script -
This worked great first time. One setting I added to /etc/openvpn/server.conf was
This means you can use the same client file across multiple devices, saving you from generating a new one for new devices. It will generate a client.ovpn file which you transfer to your devices and load into the openvpn client.
The biggest issue I had when I first rented the server was getting my head around the NAT based port system. It's actually fairly simple. If I read the initial emails that were sent I would have realised that.
The server the VPS is on has an IPv4 IP - this is the external IP
Your VPS has an internal IP - essentially a LAN IP. The port numbers are based off that eg:
External IP
Internal IP
Your open ports are defined by the last part of the IP "50"
Open ports:
and 5022 for SSH
So would be the SSH port/address for your VPS.
EDITED: 25 Nov 2016 19:35 by ANT_THOMAS