For the last couple of months I've been getting similar spam/phishing emails at the rate of at least one or two a day. They're a couple of lines each with an attachment purporting to be the scan or ppt or docx etc. referred to in the text. They're all coming into an old address that I haven't used much for years. A couple of zip attachments had wsf scripts inside that came up clean when I scanned them with Malwarebytes and Defender. Not especially worried and obviously not going to run the scripts, but anybody else getting these? Couple of examples of the text below.
Good day william.angelo, Nelda asked you to file the office equipment receipts.
Here is the photocopying equipment receipts purchased last week.
Please send him the complete file as soon as you finish.
Best regards,
Jenny Alvarez
Please find attached the invoice(s) raised on your account today. If you have more than one invoice they will all be in the single attachment above.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the Credit Controller who deals with your account.
Alternatively if you do not know the name of the Credit Controller you can contact us at:
Please do not reply to this E-mail as this is a forwarding address only.
Edit: Ah, a bit more poking around on t'web suggests that these are possibly Locky ransomeware (or a downloader for it) which apparently is being distributed as wsf files whereas previously they were using Word Macros and similar. Explains why I'm getting zip files now whereas a few weeks ago they were mainly docx.
EDITED: 16 Sep 2016 10:40 by WILLIAMA