Easiest way to do this would be to install a tiling window manager (since they open things fullscreen by default) like i3 and use a stripped down config which launches a terminal and runs your thing.
If you want to do it (as now) without a window manager then you'll first have to get it to autologin. If the version of Raspian you're using is based on Debian 8+ (and thus uses Systemd) you'll be able to do it
this way. If it's based on an older Debian and still uses inittab then you'll be able to do it
like this (replacing 'root' with your username).
Then you just need to get it to run the app. I think the easiest way to do that would just be to add it to /etc/profile.
You should be able to prevent blanking on the virtual terminal by running:
setterm -blank 0 -powersave off
Which also has to be run on a virtual terminal (i.e. not one inside a graphical desktop).
It doesn't stick though. You can add it as a kernel parameter but it'd be easier to just add that to /etc/profile too, then it'll run every boot.