Land owners take as much as they can realistically use/sell, but there's still too many according to some (mainly complaining about the destruction they cause to forestry and their tendency to jump in front of cars).
We are limited here with the number of deer we can harvest, although I suppose a private landowner would be allowed to protect property from damage.
The tree-huggers here generally complain loud and long at the killing of Bambi, but you don't hear much from them when somebody hits one that runs in front of a car. I suppose that might be OK in the whole Circle of Life™ thingy. What they tend to forget is, too many deer competing for too little food results in death anyway. Since we continue building open spaces at a rampant rate, the deer have no choice but to move, generally in an undesirable (for man) new location. The fact that they refuse to use Common Sense Birth Control means the horney horns reproduce with reckless abandon during the ruts. After a couple of weeks, they are introduced forcefully to an automobile.