How many of the ludicrously common mass shootings in the USA are ended by a bystander with a gun? It's roughly zero, as far as I know.
Although, to be fair, if almost everybody carried a gun I'm sure that there would be far more mass shootings ended by a bystander with a gun.
Take that how you see fit.
Damn good point. I suspect, though it's not laudable, most people's first reaction would be to get the shitfuck away from someone with a gun, not trying to be a hero and take whoever it is down.
Even with a gun, would you want to put yourself in the firing line? I appreciate there's a certain type of person willing to do that, most likley professional bodyguards and military types.
>>A gun. Most people are incredibly bad shots and can't hit the broad side of a barn with one, let alone a moving target. Problem is, most people freeze with panic instead of taking action.
And yet you advocate arming everyone so they can take a pop at the terrorists.
If we are going to do this, we should acknowledge that for example Canada have their citizens allowed guns and they manage not to shoot each other nearly as much as people do in the USA. So it's not only having guns that is the problem, there's more to it than that. Still, I'm not sure why people like fixrman are often so keen on other nations getting MORE guns. I live in London and. It is not rare to see someone losing their temper at some point during the day. Why would adding guns help? Meanwhile we have armed police for those situations where people are using illegal weapons and it seems to work ok most of the time.
Canada has about the same amount of territory as the USA, but a tenth of the population. There are fewer gun deaths because the bullets just go through the gaps between the people.
There are far stricter controls over gun ownership here. Our previous PM loosened them up quite a bit, but he's gone.
Most occur in urban areas between gangs using smuggled/stolen guns.
I don't want you to own guns if you don't want to. Nobody should be forced to own a gun if they don't want to. But nobody - at least here in the U.S. - should be telling me I have to give up mine as long as I am possessing a firearm legally, obeying the law.
Actually, as bad as drivers are here, driverless cars would be an improvement, especailly those from New Jersey.