6 separate, cowardly attacks across Paris; 158 dead, at least 99 people in critical condition. Perhaps a little profiling was wanted here: It may have saved lives. Perhaps [public] people carrying a few guns would have saved some lives. Perhaps a strict immigration/travel policy may have saved lives.
How many lives would one gun in the hands of a law-abiding citizen saved? How about one in each of the six attack sites? Maybe none, but perhaps 20 or more might have been saved. An AK-47 has a practical firing rate of 100 rds/min; in semi-automatic mode, 40 rds/min, full cyclic mode, 600 rds/min. That's a lot of lead flying around in the air, aimed at civilians, in the hands of cowardly masked terrorists. One masked coward hit with a couple of rounds by a person with a concealed carry permit - or even a business owner - may save lives.
If theirs is such a noble endeavour - to purge the world of "infidels" - why do terrorists wear
From the link:
Recently it was discovered that a gang of paedophiles molested over 1,400 girls in Britain. They got away with this crime for the last fifteen years because authorities, abetted by the police, did not wish to seem racist in investigating the charges because the alleged perpetrators were of Pakistani origin.
So should guns be removed from the hands of citizens? It is a debate that will continue for a long time, I expect. The individuals in this Paris attack did not have background checks or permits to carry, and were carrying weapons that even many NRA members don't possess.
EDITED: 14 Nov 2015 13:26 by FIXRMAN