I shall drink tea from it each day, and think of you.
Then I will piss it out, and think of you.
BTW & FWIW, the reason IDGAS is the same reason IDGAS about the POTUS elections; it makes no frikkin' difference one way or the other. There's a real world out there, and for most of us it's the one we can interact with, influence, and be influenced by.
What copz'n'blax in the US do to each other is little more than a sideshow.
But YDGAS. You started this thread. Duh. I'm thinking you got self-esteem issues.
I was really just commenting on what was really just a stupid, inflammatory headline on the BBC website. I have to admit that I didn't actually read the article (too long & boring). So, no, IRDGAS.
You may or may not be right about the self-esteem issues, I haven't given it any thought.
Why do you think it's stupid and inflammatory?
"What copz'n'blax in the US do to each other"
The issue is what cops (including black cops, as you noted) do to blacks.
Blacks don't really do anything to cops. There's no equivalency, so your phrasing is completely senseless.
I think you're actually pretty smart, so I can't understand why you resent the struggles of black people and news reporting about it. If you don't like international news, and you don't want to know what's going on in the world, nobody is forcing you to read about it. Bigotry can be a sign of insecurity.
It's rather like asking 'when did you stop beating your wife?', and it simplifies a complex issue suggesting that all police are bigots. I reality, I suspect that most are not, but are tainted by the few bad apples. Similarly, I suspect that a majority of blacks are law-abiding.
As for "blacks not really doing anything to cops", I'll take your word for it. I'm sure you know what you're talking about.