Bonjour la class.
The wife's handed me a seemingly dead USB stick, a SanDisk Extreme 16GB job, which had been encrypted. It's got a load of her school planning work on it, and it's not being recognised on her Windows machine. I tried it on my PC, and it installed the drivers, but after that nothing in disk management (which it hung) and no other sign of life other that a flicker of the access light.
I've tried
PhotoRec which seemed to be doing the job, running from a command prompt, but was going to take over 400 estimated hours to finish, plus I don't know if it'll recover encrypted files.
:/ I'm trying
Easus Data Recovery which says it will do encrypted files, but it's just a trial.
Anyone know of any other software that'll do the job? Don't mind trying it on Linux either, though I think it's an NTFS format.
Oh, and no backup was made.