I don't know how many of you remember or if you were members of Extreme Tech; Jim
Lynch was the Community Manager and it was a rather successful forum. I became a member in 2002 or perhaps a bit earlier, trying to find some computer information. I was also a member of the similarly designed PC Mag forum.
Anyway, as tech seemed to wind down (and much before that, really) the site seemed to attract a lot of non-tech threads. The biggest most posts) thread of all was The Thread About Absolutely Nothing, TTAAN. There was an "award" for Most Prolific Poster, the MPP; many people bemoaned the fact that the "award" always went to BS posts, the content of which often consisted of, "Yes!" or "Absolutely". Not exactly a content-based award. The very first post was, "What's the big deal here?" by mikenorwood. What a legacy he left, and an indication how things would go from then on.
One poster named Brownie spent his days at Extreme Tech just waiting for someone to post anything that he could comment on. The discussions ran the gamut from the sublime to the ridiculous, mostly the latter. This was back in the days of the forum
Flame Wars.
I can understand how some people get annoyed at BS posts. Some people want a more "serious" and worthwhile tone. It is one of the main reasons why Email, facebook and twitter hold no interest for me, because people use them for bullshit. Anyone who emails me jokes gets relegated to my SPAM folder. Those who Reply to All instead of Sender go to SPAM, as do those who Forward me things they think are interesting; I usually find them to be droll at best.