Message 41322.9 was deleted
Nope. Not sure I'm following you.
I've always wondered what sort of show the Ladyboys of Bangkok is, they seem to tour fairly regularly and it would seem to be a big show at the theatres. But what do they /do/? Is it just a load of pretty lads parading around the stage for an hour and a half? Do they sing, dance? If not it sounds most tedious and more than a little exploitative. I mean if they were cooking up a stew while recalling anecdotes of their time post/pre op or doing some origami folding or a magic act I can see it'd be a tad more entertaining. Do people who go expect full frontal nudity and some proof that they're seeing the 'real deal'?
I'm hungry now and want some stew.
They blow Ping-Pong balls outta their dicks.
You both seem to have the same avatar pic. What is it?
Oh, and why? :-P
Ummm, I think it's the default. I don't remember doing anything to change it.