Message 41236.27 was deleted
That tutorial reminds me about a similar tutorial in the amiga days, I have forgotten the program but I remember making animated sprites for a shooty game.
Have you used the cardboard much and is it any good? I ordered some lenses from eBay and printed off the plans to make the viewer. I'll get around to putting it together at some point but not sure my Note will fit in it.
It's been a long time since I've used it. I was just thinking about getting it out the other day. I'm not sure if the Note will fit or not! I might just 3D print one if I can find one that says it will hold a Note.
Was it any good when you did use it? I had trouble trying to find a template for big phones. Not sure what the max size of the standard one is.
Yeah, it was pretty good. I took it to work and everyone who used it was pretty impressed, considering you have a cardboard box on your face! Since I've messed with mine last they have made a lot of different apps. I need to get mine back out!
The majority of the apps don't work on my s4.
If you're going to make one out of cardboard you might as well just order a kit for a couple of quid.
I wouldn't get it out in work (YJ).
I'm kind of wishing I did that. The instructions to put it together are useless. I did find another guide where someone had made their own version for big displays up to 6" so I night try that out instead. And easier, less parts, but he glued the lenses in the holes, no flappy bits to hold them in place.
Flappy bits to hold it in the hole help. :-O~~~