In 1996 there was a terrible shooting at Dunblane Primary School near Stirling, Scotland. 16 children aged between 5 & 6 were killed, as was one teacher. The murderer committed suicide.
In 1997 the UK banned the private ownership of all cartridge ammunition handguns of any caliber. There have been no school shootings in the UK since.
What would you like to talk about next?
You're killers are just quitters! Jheez, learn how to prepare your insane people Thorp! I think we talk about this every time one of us Frees goes mad don't we? I just wish these fuckers would just put a bullet in their head to start things off, they end up doing it anyway.
I was just thinking we are at the age of technology that a gun and/or ammunition can be smarted up. Give police weapons that aren't limited as far as rounds fired, and limit a personal carry a clip and once that's used you better start running. If you can't deter or repulse an assailant with 9-11 tries you either don't know how to handle your weapon, or you've taken on a small army. That would also allow weapons to be disabled in school zones.
As I typed that out I realized that there are flaws and Americans could never accept that level of FREEDOM being taken away, just like we can't accept CISPA that was just pushed through. Fuck this place, someone clear off a couch for me!
If you can't deter or repulse an assailant with 9-11 tries
9-11? I smell a conspiracy here, Mr. Ken.
I'm telling the feds. Or at least, I would, had I their telephone number and/or address details. :C
They already know your every thought. Even the ones you haven't had yet.
It's true, we do have a pretty poor standard in psychos. After Jack the Ripper, we just gave up.
I've always considered Margaret Thatcher a singular achievement (er, thank fuck).
Powerful speech from Obama today trying to do something approaching a gun safety change in the USA. At the same time as freely acknowledging that it would take longer to actually work than he'll be president. I wonder if it'll do anything? Don't agree with lots of things he's done but it seems like he's giving this the best go he's actually allowed to.
obama is a flaccid penis. Where was obama when holder was running Fast and Furious? Hmmmm?
obama is a weathervane, pandering only to the camera. He can't do a damn thing about gun safety, because he's ignored it when it was politically expedient. obama doesn't really give two shits about guns. Not even one shit, but he is a shithead, a horse's arse. Weak, flaccid, ineffective. An empty suit.
Milko, it is of paramount importance that I try to attach the photo I have been wont to have you see for some time now.
Sonofabitch! I guess I will have to upload it to my website and then upload it here. >.<
Hrm, I will wait and see this picture ( is an easy way to do it, by the way, even gives you the HTML embed codes) but I can't really see how any of your post is relevant to the one you replied to. Well, most of it is pretty non-sequitur insults anyway - why bother? As I've previously said, I don't agree with a shitload of what he's done already.
The picture popped to mind because I was just in that folder prior to seeing your post.
It is interesting that you folks can post any sort of nonsense you want - jokes, insults - against any of your politicians or even ours, yet if I do the same thing, you all would pile on with name-calling and the like when I do not agree with you.
To use a phrase common to this forum: Acting like that makes you lot a load of cunts, and one-way cunts at that. British haughtiness at it's best, and nothing more elegant than that.
I don't see why you folks love obama. He has been grossly ineffective in many arenas; even your love for obamacare has proven to be a failure, because it was a poorly written political behemoth that really only benefits big pharma and insurance companies. Getting rid of it will save to U.S. about 500 billion dollars.
As far as guns go, obama can't have it both ways. He protected a gun-walking programme - but perhaps you didn't hear about that or didn't care - so what is the difference now that obama, with great fanfare, wants to use his pen to change something that doesn't need to be changed, just properly enforced? But the point is really, you gave up your guns as a country and you want us to as well. Well, we aren't going to do that.
To be fair to you all, I am not sure I have ever heard one positive thing from any of you about any politician in your country, ever. Perhaps you have total mistrust in all politicians and really, really like to criticise all things American. I cannot recall ever hearing anything but criticism for America and Americans, so perhaps since my American heritage overrides the English because I live here, it makes no sense to discuss or post about anything else but the most non-polarising topics. I suspect tea might even be off limits.