When one rates a post, as I just have, would it be possible to take the person back to where they were in the discussion rather than to the post they just rated?
Are these added up somewhere?
In your user profile popup, there are scores showing your total score and the up and down votes you've awarded other users.
Also, post rating is now in mobile mode. You will need to clear your cache to get it to work, especially if using Chrome on Android as it caches like a motherfucker.
What can I win with my internet points?
Have you removed the ability to add another column/category to sort by on the user list? (or is it my cache?)
Votes Cast: 29 total, 15 down - 14 up
I am very balanced :Y
Wrong place, it's the user profile popup. It's not been added there yet. Although that does look like it's not working correctly.
You can exchange them for beer vouchers*
* which are automatically sent to me.
Yeah, I saw them in the popup. I was just seeing if I could add it as a category to sort by scores etc.
Okay, you can add it now.