So, if these people (whoever they are. Just saying they're in Svalbard doesn't really answer my question, by the way) are so good that they can control the weather (and the planet's crust, apparently, though I'm still not clear on why they're doing any of it), how are they also so incompetent that someone like you knows all about it?
Smoked salmon and cream cheese bagels (with a little freshly-milled black papper)! (drool)
Replace the salmon with bacon and it's a deal.
I'll replace the papper with pepper, but that's about it.
What the fuck have I just read? I'm crazy but this fucking guy is certifiable.
can someone get this tangent back on course :/
Wot, like "It wasn't quite Pink Floyd's golden era when they recorded the eponymous track, but they were a lot less serious and more fun"?
You directed a music post at Jon. Insult to injury, man.