Ok Folks,
For those of you that are jumping on this one.
Skype Addy is fozza101
However - "The person with the most stable and fastest Internet connection should host the call" Skype Manual (Also listed in the Common Sense Manual)
We will be doing a double ender recording - Yes I know it sounds rude.
The term is a throw back to the old days in broadcasting where because of the bandwidth limitations on satellites, people would record global interviews with a lag delay. Each side of the interview records their inputs onto videos and the two videos are sent to one studio to mix back together as if the interview were happening in real time.
Dropbox - I have set up a tehpodcast dropbox account
After recording we drop our files here.
shouldnt need it but if you do account details are
tehpodcast@fozza.co.uk password is beehive
Audacity - For Ease and For Free - Can we all install and record at the defaul project rate of 41,000hz
Check for background recording - Possibly the best way to do this is call the skype echo test and leave a reasonable long message and then playback and record what you are saying whilst the message repeats. If you can hear any bleed from your speakers or headphones into your mic then correct before recording.