You're missing my point. Even if there were a visual thing which did everything CSS can currently do, which that certainly isn't, it would be able to do about 0.01% of what Photoshop can do.
As I say, if you want something very trivial or looking like 1990s home-publishing then great, CSS has caught up. If you want something genuinely rich you still have to use Photoshop anyway.
The few clicks thing was clearly hyperbole. For anything beyond the most trivial of decorations, it's going to be
far quicker to do with direct manipulation and feedback.
Also, using CSS like this means you can make your fancy effects big as you like
The tiny subset of fancy effects which CSS can now do.
without affecting filesize
Cos people really notice a 20k hit these days.
one less HTTP request
1. You're scraping the bottom of the barrel now 2. You're well aware that you can put image data in CSS anyway.