I dislike how they also have an entirely useless § key, too. I remapped mine to #.
I'm all for consistency, but obtusifying an established (albeit localised) standard just smacks of... well, the kind of thing Apple does, I guess, and it's not like Macs are priced such that they need to save a few pennies by using the same physical chassis across territories.
The weird keyboard thing was a driving factor in my spending more than I could have done (if I'd bought from the US) on a new laptop. Although Kobalt had clearly been taking lessons in irony when they then offered to install just about any keyboard layout on the planet anyway. I stuck with UK.
Have you remapped the right mouse button to anything? Oh, right.
But what if you need to tell omeone how much money you have in SimCity?!
I use my Steelseries Xai :p
The fact that Apple have bothered to support right-button interactions on third-party mice is a quiet admission that they should have put one on in the first place.
Apple's own mice and trackpads have had a right-click for some years now in fact. Took them too long, but they got there.
Not all of them, unless it's very recent. I got a Macbook a few years ago that doesn't have a right-click, just multitouch which is a pain in the hole.
I find the multitouch right-click is much easier if you enable the 'tap to click' option. Having to actually press down on the pad makes it tricky to get right.