I use Chrome too, but not for customisability (in fact it's the frustrating lack of being able to get my preferences which is likely to see me switch to Opera 11 or Firefox 4).
I think if someone uses not-IE they've already demonstrated their willingness to go elsewhere if something better comes along.
Depends why they're not using IE - did they actively choose, did they stumble upon the Browser Choice shortcut, did their techy friend/relative make the choice for them, etc?
I wouldn't be surprised if Firefox was falling - in the past it was really just IE vs not-IE (Netscape/Mozilla/Firefox).
Now there's a choice of non-IE browsers (with a huge simplification of...) one for people who just want a browser, and one for people who want their browser to work their way. (not necessarily a direct correlation to techyness)
Firefox may well lose most of the first (much larger) camp to Chrome, and only lose some of the smaller second camp (if you've got your browser working exactly how you want, you need inertia to move).
It'll still be one of the top three browsers though, and remain relevant - even if it does drop below 10% it's still have a very vocal group of people using it.
As for Opera... dunno what to make of them. There's a couple of Opera guys doing HTML5-related presentations at a conference I'm going to in a few weeks - might see if I can ask them "why have you only got 2%" and see what they say.
:)EDITED: 10 Feb 2011 23:09 by BOUGHTONP