I go offline so i can pretend to have a social life :(
Right, I'm going to make another maze. But a 3d one. Who will help?
Uploading now. Do I need to do anything with the java stuff you've added? *scared*
Can you do fullsize JPG ones? (Not that I know if these ones are fullsize or not)
Nope, just shove it on the end of the list as before.
(Before the </div> if I added one on the bottom... can't remember.)
Aye, the JPGs are full size (not the first one from the 4th), but even a full size JPG at 60% quality is over 10 meg :|
Haha, we're getting a bit giddy with exploring.
I was trying to get an auto JPG conversion thing going last night, but I was too tired and the server was complaining it didn't have enough memory to convert it. :(
I definitely need to spend some time looking at how the mappers work and figure out if my layered image idea makes any sense at all. :S