I assume nobody else is ever on? I've been playing a lot of Feed the Beast (big ol' crazy modpack, like Tekkit) but recently have been feeling more and more like a nice bit of vanilla.
Oh yeah, I am now without job so I have plenty of time to sort this! I'll get it done.
Sorry to hear that Ant :(
(the job bit, not the plenty of time bit)
It lives! :)
Next step: People.
And I didn't get the internal job I applied for.
Apparently I didn't demonstrate the "3 years relevant work experience requirement". There wasn't anything in the job advert and specification that stated 3 years relevant work experience was required. I have complained. Not that it will make any difference, just bloody annoying to be told I'm rejected based on a specification which is non-existent. I wouldn't have applied if it was a requirement, I'm not completely stupid.
The other thing that gets me is the number of places that are advertised without a closing date. And they're not removed efficiently. So you apply in good faith, spending good time doing so, and they reply with "sorry, too late".
Fucking retards! :@
looks to me like it's working fine
what happened to your job?
It was contracted and based on funding. Funding runs out... No more extensions.
aww, that's shit, sorry to hear :(