I'm sorry Kenneth (hug)
I didn't think for a second you would believe me :((
Please apologise to this lady on my behalf and offer her a pork scratching (just one! you're not allowed to get rid of them all this way!) as compensation.
If Uoou tells you the sun is out, bring an umbrella. :P
:-D I never had a reason not to, other than you're a stranger on the internet. :-$
Shit, now how am I going to get rid of those things? We are going to try them tonight. Tangler wants to try one, I don't but I will, and my daughter will join in I'm sure.
You mining?
Fool me once.... now I know Peter, now I know!
Well off to the ol Mine..Craft!
I'm currently Titan Questing but I might pop along to the mines sometime soon.
You must try one. It'll be entertaining whether you like them or not. Solidarity with your brave son!
you have to try one. Forum rules, sorry.
Oh I will, if only to get the taste of horse cock out of my mouth. Wait, I didn't mean that the way it sounded!
Thank you Jon for the bones, gun powder and goo!
I'm pizzaing at the moment (or will be at half past anyway), I might pop in for a bit after that, but I really need to get some other stuff finished, so I might try and crack on with that instead.