Haha, no, definitely no horse cocks. Just the thread title is a bit rude.
Oh you meant horse cocks?
Yes, there may be those.
You... man that shit is not cool!
They're a delicacy over here (hug)
Speaking of which, I reaaaaallly want a vid of you and your clan trying the pork scratchings.
Well the old lady behind doesn't think so.
You're making it very hard to be pissed off mister!
In future, assume anything I say about horse dick is a lie.
(I have never sucked horse dick)
That was just mean and hurtful! I opened that fucker up to, right when the old lady was sitting there.
I'm calling the fucking internet and NSFW police on yo ass bitch!
And lay off the horse cock, it's not good for your figure!