Every waking momment is just images of what the idiots type.
Its constant.
Something happened March 09. These idiots found out my address and one person came to my door. Well the door entry outside on the street.
All happened when I kept typing "chop chop" in the chat room.
And the others goaded him into coming round. he lives in Beith, Mains Avenue. (TiNNiE).
What kind of person would do that? Respond to something in a chat room and drive several miles to a strangers address. Insane.
Why would they do that?
Iv now changed slsk username and removed HML room from my auto join list. I cant take it anymore.
Its beginning to consume me and take over my normal life as ai cant stop thinking about it.
I dont know what to do.
Is this a new phenemiunon in todays internet culture/society?
But like I said earlier, most people would have stayed away from the room.
I care too much.
The room has went completely downhill. 50% of the chatters are gone, leaving ONLY the idiots.