Hmmm, just to make things clearer: the £427
excludes any referral pots.
TradeDoubler requires a bank account, and I didn't want to put it all in my account until I got around to sorting out a Teh Bank Account, so simplest solution is to use that amount as the starting balance for next year, once I actually get the account setup.
Um, I'll do a diagram:
And that's also excluding the Amazon pot which milko is sorting out very soon, yes?
IOW, I don't think we should/need to bother with the AdSense stuff.
However, we should definitely either:
1) just restore the auto-referral links.
2) write a filter that adds a "teh referral link" option
after any normal link, so people have a choice which one to follow.
3) same as 2, but in reverse (so main link is referral, and there's a "non referral" placed after it).
EDITED: 24 Sep 2008 12:50 by BOUGHTONP