After checking that, and noticing similar things to Kos quite often it seems the DNS is the problem here.
Pinging success in 9 milliseconds.
Pinging success in 1015 milliseconds.
No problems here.
Touch wood (if it's your own, John), the server is actually doing really rather well right now and I'd rather not poke it in case it decides to start sulking. Uptime for the server currently stands at 158 days (mighty impressive for this server!), and MySQL 137 days (!!). Apache is only 6 days, but that's explained by me shutting it down to do a backup of the server last week.
That reminds me, there are people who still use the .org domain, my hosting logs say so. I thought everyone was on these days.
Though, I've just gone to .org and it forwarded me right to the actual forum start page on
The index.php redirects to, but if you go straight to you won't be redirect.
Not sure where people get from. It only seems to be linked to by a couple of sites according to Google and it's not, or shouldn't be the primary domain on this server, that should be and we don't have an RDNS record.
I might change it to redirect to in Plesk.
Perhaps there is a cream you could recommend to hurry the clearing up process?
Just done the pingy thing, more or less identical for the two results. I'll try again during my next episode.
Usually your router or modem will tell you in the connection status / summary where it also lists things like sync speed, line coding (GDMT, G.Lite, ADSL2, etc.).
Or you can ring up your ISP and ask them. They should be able to tell from their end.