I don't like most of the creatures that live in thatched rooves
spiders, bugs, creepy-crawlies, mice, etc
and thacth is /very/ heavy, I would worry about all that weight held mostly by dry cob and gravity
And the fire risk, and the maintence costs etc etc
Mice will live in any roof, thatch or no thatch.
Is it Cheshire? Cos I can't be doing with none of that crumbly shit.
I have a small board of a variety. Take your pick.
Mmmmmmmm, Catheeedral cheddaaar :P . . .. .. .
Steve, have you got any online pictures of your balls still? One of my mates is into whittling and was interested when I said I knew a man who did ace balls. Also he wanted to know what sort of wood you used and whether you just used knives.
He uses weasels with retractable teeth.