Incidentally, where can I get my mitts on your book? I downloaded it when you mentioned it, but then never got round to reading it, and I'd like to have another crack at it.
What's the book about and how long is it?
I'll upload it on this thread later tonight. It's called Dying for Hammer, and it's about the life of a character who lives (and dies, regularly) in a world based on Hammer horror films. It's a light-hearted, bloody, scatological romp.
Cool, if you do it tonite I'll take it to school and print it out tomorrow
My printer is borked :-(
this thread still here then ?
It's growing into a whole new life form: look, it's just sprouted a novel:
62,813 words over 196 pages !!!
post it in this thread 1 page at a time ...
actually, no, don't.
Message 2226.61 was deleted
That the one you sent me ages ago? Oops, forgot about that, think it's still buried in my inbox somewhere, sorry mate.