It's 160 messages behind already.
Do you think the Throbber has enough stamina to catch up? :S
I would just like to demonstrate my support for Cracked my ball. The online lego doesn't even have an amusing thread title, let alone interesting content.
Crikey! Well, I *am* whittling a whittling at the moment, but it's still some time away from completion. I have focused on digital & media whittling with GreyHair.
Here, for those who haven't followed it elsewhere, is our latest thang for the Environment Agency and East Lindsey Borough Council, done last week:
I saw you post that, looked fun!
It was. Though there was a thunderstorm while Shanaz was stuck up a cherrypicker. The lightning didn't dare.
Tell me there's a video of that too.
I'm right behind you...that way I can ensure that you're not right behind me!
And in a further desperate attempt to bolster CmB ratings, here is an ancient whittling you may not have seen before:

It's called the Albigensian Heresy. It measure the ratio of good to evil in any given place.