Awww, look at everyone desperately wanting to be a mod.
haha, check me out being a naysayer throughout the thread. DOOOM I tell you! Mind you it was a much harder job back in those days, so many more people coming through and so many more looking for trouble.
Wow, I can't believe Delphi still doesn't sync the thread list to the message pane when you have enter the forum with a msg id in the URL :D
It's gash. I'm glad we've got Beehive.
Sadly, I couldn't remember who the OP was until I read my reply #14. I thought it might be Simon. (fail)
I only pop in to check the mod queue once in a while. Apart from the political pissing contests, it's a bit quiet there, these days.
This place has been around longer than that. 6 years ago I was pregnant with Owen after a certain London meat.
Hawk hasn't been seen for a long time. Nor has Grandpa Dragon. Neither were in good health :/
I've been trying to remember the name of his creation for the last few weeks, cheers for that! I could remember Andy's giraffe but not Xen's. If I remember there was a piss-take star wars picture with them both in floating about at the time too.