He also does a mean barbershop baritone, but in kitten heels.
no, it was forced upon me.
Is this the right thread for reporting errors in Milko?
Is there an error in me? I'd prefer people to just tell me face-to-face about that sort of thing, but here will suffice.
I was just checking for future reference.
Fair enough.
*watches out*
Last night at approximately half-past nine, more than four years from taking on the commission, I completed the last roundel of the twelfth and final ball!
I have five completed, unphotographed balls tucked away in my undies. I am obliged to photograph them tomorrow prior to bundling them up and sending them to the Jersey Heritage Trust on Monday.
I didn't post last night as I got methodically and efficiently shitfaced, then shagged the missus.
Congratulations on shagging the missus. I can't think of a better cause for celebration!
Fill one ball and empty two others. There's symmetry in that.