1939, and the Spanish Civil War is drawing to an end, with the Falange (founded by Primo de Rivera's son) as a dominant force within the nationalists. Spain then leaves the League of Nations. Again.
Elsewhere, in Tales-Of-Right-Wing-Nutcases, Hitler helps himself to a bit of Poland, and is upset to find the Western allies slightly peeved. The USSR is kicked out of the League of Nations for helping itself to the rest of Poland. The League of Nations is rapidly becoming the League of Nation.
Over the pond, Canada joins in and declares war on Germany, but the US says it's not touching /that/ mess with a barge pole, and busies itself making nuclear bombs.
Apparently, though, nothing nice happens, at all. Well, Mussolini's Italy invades Albania, forcing a King called Zog into exile. Not that nice in itself, but Zog is a pretty funny name. Also, Batman was created. Oh, and there was another Pius pope. But then, they all were, weren't they?