GeneralNatWest Card Reader


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 From:  ANT_THOMAS  
 To:  ALL

So who is with NatWest and has received their new Card Reader?


I was quite amused that I've got a little device to play with. I think it's a nice idea to add extra security to online banking, but I also think it's all a bit complex. I don't like the idea of having to have it with me if I'm setting some stuff up out of the house.

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 From:  ANT_THOMAS  
 To:  ALL
What a stupid fucking piece of shit.

I had to use mine for the first time today, if any of you are unaware of what the NatWest Card Reader is, then here is a pic..

Basically, it's an extra level of security for online banking above password and pin. You stick the card in it, enter your pin, whack in the number online banking give you, and it gives you a number back to pop into the box on the webpage to authorise the transaction.

Well, I tried to transfer some money to someone, I needed the card reader. Stupid fucker has given me about 5 wrong codes, one more wrong code and my card gets disabled.

I think NatWest are going to get an earful tomorrow. What a useless piece of crap. I really liked NatWest Online Banking until this came along.

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 From:  steve  
 To:  ANT_THOMAS     
32656.3 In reply to 32656.2 
Did you have to opt-in for it? I've heard nothing of the sort :{)

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 From:  ANT_THOMAS  
 To:  steve     
32656.4 In reply to 32656.3 
I got a letter saying I would be receiving one, then a week or so later it turned up. I haven't asked for it :( and I don't bloody want it. They must just be trying it out on random or certain customers and the fuckers picked me.

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 From:  Rowan  
 To:  ANT_THOMAS     
32656.5 In reply to 32656.2 
I answered an exam question (for the security course) on these. I sort of went down the "they can work, a bit, but people would hate them" route. I feel vindicated. Not that he marked me wrong, or anything, but anyway.
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 From:  ANT_THOMAS  
 To:  Rowan     
32656.6 In reply to 32656.5 

I've read a few things that make very good points, some people have shared accounts with partners and one of them has been sent a card reader and the other not had any info on it, yet their shared online banking account needs to use it, so, say they are both and work and want to move money about, only one person can do it because of the single card reader.


What if you leave it at home? even more annoying. I know I've moved money about whilst being at work or uni in the past, and there is no way I want to be carrying this thing around with me all the time.

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 From:  Ally  
 To:  ANT_THOMAS     
32656.7 In reply to 32656.1 
I've not got one and I'll be ruddy annoyed if I do, given that I'm in Canada right now. Crap idea anyway- the times I use my online banking are pretty evenly split between home and work, I don't want to cart some card reader crud thing around with me.
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