GeneralAre you in debt?


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 From:  Judderman  
 To:  Golden Axe     
31210.44 In reply to 31210.43 
I'm currently £8000 in debt to the student loan company and I have another 3 1/2 years to go. I also at some point intend to pay my Dad back for the £8000 he has put into my accomadation so far and whatever he will put in for the next few years. All in all I reckon I'll come out of uni about £42000 in the red.

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 From:  Radio   
 To:  Judderman     
31210.45 In reply to 31210.44 
Ouch - how long is your course overall then?
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 From:  Monsoir (PILOTDAN)  
 To:  Judderman     
31210.46 In reply to 31210.44 
Hooooly shite. Fuck it, I'm maxing my credit cards!

We seem to have a conflict of interest, because I couldn't give a shit.
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 From:  Judderman  
 To:  Radio      
31210.47 In reply to 31210.45 

5 years basic, then an extra year in the middle to do an extra degree (hopefully anatomy).


Technically two years after that are training, but I get paid for them.


To put it in a bit more perspecive around £18 000 odd of that will be totally interest free as I will be just paying my Dad back, and seeing as he doesn't even know I will be doing it if my finances do go tits up I don't have to pa it back, but I do intend to.


Although I haven't taken into account my elective which could set me back another £1000-3000.

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 From:  af (CAER)  
 To:  Radio      
31210.48 In reply to 31210.2 
My only debt is a £150 credit card bill, soon to increase by £600 when the Pentax K10D becomes available.
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